You are here: Memories > Memories of Sky-watching > moon-sighting > Eid Crescent Shawwal 1433 Dar es Salaam

Eid Crescent Shawwal 1433 Dar es Salaam

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Sunset on the eve of Eid-al-Fitr by hasin Birds eye-view of the Khoja Shia Masjid by hasin Zaffar Sheriff begins the search for the crescent of Shawwal 1433 by hasin Capturing the horizon on a smart phone by hasin Dr. Kamaal looking for the elusive crescent by hasin The search continues using smart phone apps by hasin As the skies get darker, more people focus their attention on the horizon in the west by hasin MuhammadMahdi capturing the moments by hasin Binoculars are passed around by hasin My camera catches the thin crescent at 7:04PM, 1 minute before it disappears under the horizon by hasin

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